Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Goodbye Dinner

Tonight at the Olive Garden, Sally Field's speech kept coming into my head, "You love me..... you really love me!" OMG, the love I was shown today & tonight was mind blowing. I am so darn fortunate to have been surrounded by these awesome people for the last four years! I made it though the night without sobbing, but no promises for tomorrow! Simply put, you guys rock! Thanks so much for everything! You humble me....

Amers, Me & Tate - my girls!
Mags, Noriko, Theresa - no double chins here!
We don't look alike, we don't talk alike, but we're a family!
(Even when we're apart???)
Theresa - "I am not a crook??"
Virginia, Naseem - What two gorgeous girls!
Mom (She had no choice, I've forced her to adopt me! And Margo (she was asking for you Marg!!)) & Bobbi - I'm not going to cry.....
Virginia, Naseem, Martha, Bobbi
Naseem, Tate
Me & Tate
I was completely spoiled (the photo is one that Tate's dad took & blew up for me. Isn't it breathtaking?!)!!
My wonderful gift from Bobbi, Suzanne & Misty. Words can't do it justice, thank you girls for making saying goodbye so darn hard! ;)

**Bobbi, Suzanne & Misty - I meant to get a pix of you guys!!! Tomorrow!!!!**

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