Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Ahh.. the best holiday of them all... Halloween! Ever since I was a wee one, Halloween has always been my favorite. I'm not sure if it's because it's around my birthday, has black cats or just because of all the fun stuff associated with it! This year was another awesome one. We had already carved our pumps (usually we do it the day of, but since Trav worked this Halloween, we were pressed for time!) so we had just enough time for everything else. Austin and I started out the day cleaning, jealous right? lol.. Just about the time Trav got home, we were ready to get things started! We finished decorating the outside, which we don't do early b/c we like to save some surprises for the neighborhood kids! Just as we were finishing that up, the Keeneys arrived. Margo helped the boys decorate some yummy cookies while I made some caramel apples. Yum! The "big boys" went and got us some pizza, so we were set! The kiddos got their costumes on and played (mostly patiently!) until it was dark and time to hit the road!
Umm.. I'm confused....
Up on the roof

Aww.. makes a mom proud!
All done! Bring 'em on!

Decorating cookies w/ Marg
I love the look Gavin is giving her!

Have you ever seen a cuter Darth??
Uh-oh... bad influence, Austin!
Garrett just thinks we're all crazy!
Joe, I've never seen you look better!

They were pretending to be a ghost! Too cute!

"Help me," he says
Some brotherly "love"

Austin & his buddy, John... er Freddy
I remember the days when Austin was a cute bear..... frog.... what the heck happened???
Iron Man!!
The boys are sooooo ready!
Our first stop (these neighbors are so sweet, they've pretty much adopted A as an honorary grandson!)
Hittin' the streets
The Keeneys
Awww... aren't the twinsies cute??? And look, Joe is giving Trav some man love!

"LOOK at all my candy!!!"
It totally looks like A is carrying a purse! lol
The boys are off to hit the rest of Spokane, while Marg & I head back to man the candy!
Gotta love the full sizers!

I think Garrett was in awe
I believe it's our right, nay our responsibility, as parents, to ensure that the candy that our kiddos partake in is completely safe! :)
Gavin's favorite of the night
Happy Halloween!!
And Iron Man is ..... out!

1 comment:

  1. Another great Halloween, thanks for inviting us. We all had a great time. :)
